Monday, November 08, 2004

An Introduction

If you are working to establish a permanent niche for yourself in a job that you at which you have only recently begun to prove yourself...

If you are attempting to write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days (Nanowrimo, anyone?)...

If you have recently moved into a new town and still have plenty of exploring to do, books to alphabetize, papers to file, etc....

If reading the news stresses you out and leaves you a numb shell of depression for days and days...

Why, then, you certainly wouldn't want to start a political blog.

Unless you are ADD Inattentive. In which case, you might want to start a political blog. ADD is characterized by a rather nutty tendency to fling oneself at new project after new project, thus ensuring that no project can ever truly be done well, much less completed.

Me? I am ADD Inattentive.

But there is some method to my madness. I am positive that if I put some of my political blatherings on this publisher, that I can a) give my Livejournal friends a break, and b) clear my own head and even perhaps get some paid work done now and then.

One warning: I have provided an e-mail address. I have not provided a comment section. I do not have time to babysit wounded egos or answer all your objections; if you don't like what I wrote, don't read it. The reason I have provided an e-mail address is so that you can have a target at which to fling invective should you really, really need the outlet. I don't promise to read them. It should go without saying that I therefore do not promise to respond.

You are all old enough to know how to operate Google, and therefore, if I launch into something provably mistaken, I trust you to eventually figure it out on your own. I used to be obsessive about accuracy; I am not anymore. I can not afford to be when I'm not getting paid to do it. (Considering how often paid writers screw up facts and figures, I'm not even close to feeling guilty about it.) Incidentally, my fact-checking policy fits in very nicely with the underlying philosophy of this blog, which I will outline in the next post.